Adult Education Committee
Adult Education provides congregants the opportunity to develop a knowledge base of Jewish learning, both traditional and contemporary, that informs the activities of the congregation. Programming may be offered by the Rabbi, by individual congregational members, may be organized by the committee, and/or may be offered in collaboration with other committees.
Overarching Strategies
The committee should meet quarterly, or more frequently as needed, to review programs that have been offered and are being planned.
At least one adult education program annually should support the current goals of the congregation.
At least one adult education program annually should focus on Tikkun Olam, (repair of the world) understood as broadly as possible.
Goals For This Year
Educate members of the congregation regarding the Adult Education mission.
Recruit members for the committee.
Plan a program for the spring.
Plan a program in collaboration with other committees regarding the meaning of Tikkun Olam and the role that this plays or should play in congregational life.