Children's Education
Congregation Beth El has a complete Hebrew School serving the children of our members from first grade up through high school. Classes meet in-person. Many of our Teen Group continue as madrichim helping in the classrooms and with special projects.
The school program begins with a community-wide service led by the rabbi, including prayers, songs, and Torah plays. The students then divide into classes, with a curriculum including Hebrew, Jewish History, Jewish Ethics, Holidays and Ritual Practices, Creative Arts, and of course, snack. The Teen Group includes kids ages 13 and up.
There are special events throughout the year associated with the Hebrew School, including a Hanukkah party, a Tu B'Shvat seder, and a Passover festival. Consult the Bulletin for more details about special Hebrew school programming.
Please use your judgment when inclement weather comes. We come from five different counties, and the weather can vary. We will do our best to cancel Hebrew School as close as possible to the actual meeting time. We will post announcements via email.