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Good Yontif Bakery - Purim Baskets


Support Congregation Beth El and give a much-needed gift of merriment and feasting this Purim.


For just $6, you can gift a Purim Basket (Shlach Manot) to a member of our congregation. On Purim, the basket will be delivered with a card listing your name, along with the name of anyone else who might have chosen to honor the same person.

The recipient receives just one basket; additional donations in honor of the same person will be donations of good wishes and will contribute to our fundraising efforts.


All Baskets will include:

-A half-dozen, assorted, home-made hamantachsen

-Purim Props

-Chocolate and other sweet treats

-A selection of dried fruit

*All baskets will be nut-free. Gluten-free available on request.


-Want to mail a basket to someone in the U.S.? For $30, we will package and mail the basket.


How do you order?

Check off the names of everyone you would like to send a basket on the attached order form. Make your donation of $6 for each name. You can also use the additional sheet to give us the name and address of the non-member(s) to whom you want to send a basket and include the appropriate donation. We'll do the rest.

You can find the order form here.  Please email Rabbi Nina with your full order.  Don't forget to attach the completed form to your email message.

How do you pay for your order?

You can pay for your order by going to our Donation Page.  Please select Good Yontif Bakery as the account to which you are donating, and include in the Message field that this is for your Purim Basket order.  Otherwise, please mail your order form and check to Purim Baskets, Congregation Beth El, P.O. Box 506, Sunbury, PA  17801.  Please be aware of the order deadlines, particularly if you are mailing the form. 


Shipped Orders due by 2/27

Delivery Orders due by 3/1

Coming Events

Shabbat Services

Please contact Rabbi Nina to find out about the time and location of our Shabbat services.  Services are held in person and also online via Zoom

Hebrew School

(Classes held in person and via Zoom)

Hebrew School for Young Children

For children under six years of age.  Please contact Rabbi Nina for specific details and for the Zoom link. 

Social Club

Come visit with friends: old and new, young and old.  Play cards, Mahjong, board games.  Watch movies.  Participate in a knitting circle.  Note: our of respect from the protection of our multi-generational participants, please wear a mask for these gatherings.  Pay attention to email announcements for times and locations.




















Please consider making an ongoing donation to sponsor the following regular expenses:

Security System

Building Maintenance


Trash Disposal

Snow Removal








Click here to go to our donation page.

Please indicate that you would like your contribution to go to the Operating Fund.

Central Pennsylvania Food Bank

Are you struggling to pay for food?  The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s Food Stamps Helpline can help you apply for SNAP (Food Stamps). To apply call their free and confidential, bi-lingual toll-free number at 1.877.999.5964 or visit for more information.

Congregation Beth El • 249 Arch Street, Sunbury PA 17801 • 570.286.1490


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