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Both boys and girls are welcomed into the Jewish community with joyous ritual and celebration. Events can take place either at the synagogue or off-site. Our membership includes a certified Mohel who can be contacted for brit milah. Our rabbi is also available for pre- and post-birth rituals for parents and families, consultation on Hebrew names, adoption referrals, and pastoral counseling.


Order a leaf to honor a birth.

B'nai Mitzvah

We like to think of the celebration of becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah as just one stop on the journey of lifelong Jewish education. Our goal is to prepare our young people to successfully participate in Jewish life wherever they may be. Both male and female students mark their b’nei mitzvah at age 13 or later. Youth preparing for b’nei mitzvah attend classes and receive individual tutoring as necessary. Our smaller size allows for the customization of b’nai mitzvah requirements to complement the skills and abilities of the student.


We take extra care to prepare children with special needs for meaningful and engaging rituals. In order to engage in b’nai mitzvah preparation, the person’s family must be members of the congregation.


Order a leaf to honor a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.


The Congregation Beth El sanctuary and social hall are available for Jewish weddings. Our rabbi may also officiate at a marriage or commitment ceremony off-site. Wedding ceremonies are planned with an emphasis on the unique character of the couple, the Jewish home they wish to create, and the values their partnership embodies. The rabbi meets with the wedding couple at least three times prior to the date to discuss their vision of the wedding ceremony and their aspirations for their marriage. Separate fees for the use of the building and rabbinic services may apply.


Order a leaf to honor a wedding.


Being part of a synagogue community can mean extra support during the difficult times of a short or long term illness. Our rabbi is available to make home or hospital visits, provide pastoral counseling and spiritual guidance, and offer prayer and ritual support. We also maintain a Misheberach list—names of loved ones for whom we offer prayers of healing during worship services.


Our rabbi has worked closely with local hospice providers, hospitals, and funeral homes to ensure that Jewish traditions at the end of life will be supported. Bereavement services begin with end of life planning, pastoral visits, and consultations. Our community also has a male and female chevra kaddisha that will, upon request, prepare a body for burial. Funeral services for members may take place in our sanctuary and plots are available in the synagogue’s cemetery for traditional burial. The rabbi will also help coordinate shiva minyanim and unveiling rituals as well as planning for out-of-town funerals.


Order a memorial plaque

Coming Events

Shabbat Services

Please contact Rabbi Nina to find out about the time and location of our Shabbat services.  Services are held in person and also online via Zoom

Hebrew School

(Classes held in person and via Zoom)

Hebrew School for Young Children

For children under six years of age.  Please contact Rabbi Nina for specific details and for the Zoom link. 

Social Club

Come visit with friends: old and new, young and old.  Play cards, Mahjong, board games.  Watch movies.  Participate in a knitting circle.  Note: our of respect from the protection of our multi-generational participants, please wear a mask for these gatherings.  Pay attention to email announcements for times and locations.




















Please consider making an ongoing donation to sponsor the following regular expenses:

Security System

Building Maintenance


Trash Disposal

Snow Removal








Click here to go to our donation page.

Please indicate that you would like your contribution to go to the Operating Fund.

Central Pennsylvania Food Bank

Are you struggling to pay for food?  The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s Food Stamps Helpline can help you apply for SNAP (Food Stamps). To apply call their free and confidential, bi-lingual toll-free number at 1.877.999.5964 or visit for more information.

Congregation Beth El • 249 Arch Street, Sunbury PA 17801 • 570.286.1490


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